With Skylight, Global 2000 companies can measurably and immediately improve business operations using AR across their organization, from the factory to the warehouse to the jobsite.Website: Trusted by some of the world's greatest companies, such as GE and The Boeing Company, Upskill's technology platform, Skylight, enhances the capabilities of hands-on workers, making them more effective at what they do. Upskill USA Private Upskill is the market leader in enterprise software for augmented reality devices in industrial settings.

Use cases cover areas such as: AR/VR Keyboard replacement Quality Control Mobile Use/Outdoor Maintenance/Services Clean Room Hand assembly and individual workplaces Smartwatches & Wearables and Logistics. We enable secure, comfortable and efficient use of the applications in your processes - even when wearing gloves. We use wearables to simplify and streamline the use of PCs, terminals, smart glasses and smart watches. Kinemic GmbH Germany Private Kinemic offers incredible new interaction solutions for digital devices. Picavi is especially suitable for order picking for FMCG fast movers. With Picavi pick by vision, Logcom is the first provider worldwide to bring an innovative smart glasses solution to the market, tailor-made for picking flows with high picking density. The innovator Logcom is supported by experts with decades of practical experience. Picavi (Logcom) Germany Private With its order picking system Picavi, Logcom GmbH makes smart glasses usable for practical application in warehouse logistics. Audio and LED notifications can help to nudge you back into focus, helping you to avoid accidents and get home safe. While driving, Vue checks if you’re looking down or outside the window for long periods of time and alerts you. Vue’s open ear design allows you to listen to directions, music, or calls without blocking your ears, so you can still hear traffic and the world around you.

Hear turn-by-turn navigation without having to look at your phone. Vue ensures you’re safe whether you’re a pedestrian, cyclist or driver. Vue Smart Glasses USA Private Vue is the first stylish and discreet smart glasses for every day use. With full support for smart glasses (as well as mobile devices), Fieldbit's platform enables enterprises to create, capture, and share knowledge across the entire organization. Innovative software enables remote experts to send precise visual instructions to field technicians using real-time augmented reality, live video, messaging and voice. Atheer AiR empowers you to see and change the world around you.įieldbit Israel Private Fieldbit provides an end-to-end, interactive field service collaboration platform for equipment manufacturers and users. Enjoy unmatched hands-free productivity, all while on the move. Wearing our see-through smart glasses, you can see rich information critical to your work, interact naturally with it and collaborate with your remote peers like never before. Atheer USA Private Atheer AiR™, The world’s most interactive 3D smart glasses platform for deskless professionals.