He thinks about his dad and wonders if his dad would approve of this decision:

He still feels weak, but he is happy to see Annabeth, who is nursing him.After sipping on some Nectar and other healing medicine concocted by Chiron, Percy comes back to life.He calls for help from the wood nymphs who carry him to safety.Percy hobbles back to camp, but is soon completely crippled.Percy cuts the scorpion with Riptide, but the scorpion manages to bite him anyway. He disappears, leaving Camp Half-Blood to go serve Kronos forevermore.Luke serves Kronos and feels that the gods are a waste of space.Ares caught Luke, but Luke convinced Ares to let him go free, enticing him with visions of a war that would break out when these symbols of power were not returned to their rightful owners. Percy realizes that Luke was the thief who stole the lightning bolt and the helm of darkness.As the scorpion crawls up his leg, Percy asks Luke a series of questions.Luke intends to kill Percy with the scorpion and leave Camp Half-Blood for good.Percy realizes that Luke is the friend that will betray him, that is betraying him.He snaps his finger and a little fire erupts in the ground.Luke throws his empty can in the stream.They go into the woods, and Luke drinks a Coke out of a real Coke can (which is strange, because they don't have canned Coke at Camp Half-Blood).He suggests that they go into the woods and find some monsters to kill, just one last time before the summer is over.The Backbiter is special because it can kill both humans and gods. He finds Luke in the arena, slashing at straw dummies with a new sword: the Backbiter.Percy still can't make a decision, so he decides to go for a walk to clear his mind.The next morning, he realizes that he has to make a decision by noon, or else the cleaning harpies will get to him.He hasn't responded to his mother's offer to have him come home and go to school in New York.Percy is truly in heaven at having found a real family.It is jet black with a green trident in the middle – a symbol of Percy's successful quest. The last night of the summer arrives, and the counselors hand out the summer bead for everyone to wear.What had he failed to save that matters most? What friend had betrayed him?.Percy spends the rest of his summer devising new tricks and strategies for capture the flag, improving in camp activities, and thinking about what the Oracle had said to him – he still feels uneasy about this.He's about to embark on his search for Pan – his life's dream. That night, he says goodbye to Annabeth and Percy for good.Grover is awarded his Searcher's license and seems older, wiser, and more mature.Percy and Annabeth sit on the beach and watch the fireworks.That Fourth of July, Hephaestus's cabin rigs some truly spectacular fireworks.She doesn't pressure Percy to come home, but just wants him to know that it's an option for him. She has used the money to find a new apartment, to enroll at NYU for her first semester, and to put a down payment on a spot at a private school for Percy. Sally writes Percy a letter telling him that she made a life-sized statue called "The Poker Player" and has sold it to a local art gallery for a lot of money.Percy goes to sleep, happy and content in his cabin for the first time.The Ares cabin is super-mad at Percy for making a fool out of their dad.Percy and Annabeth get to burn their funeral shrouds, which we guess is standard procedure for Greek homecoming parties.The campers throw Percy, Annabeth, and Grover a big party in celebration of their successful quest.

We were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest.